Instructed Eucharist January 19, 8:00 & 10:30 am

Sunday, January 19, we’ll be having an instructed Eucharist at both the 8:00 and 10:30 services. We’ll take some time to talk about how we make Eucharist, including both the words we say and the actions and gestures that often accompany them. While the services will not include a sermon, they will be longer than usual, so plan ahead. Bring a cushion if you need one and feel free to get up and move around during the service. Most importantly, bring your curiosity, your questions, and your Episco-curious friends.

California Wildfire Response
Episcopal Relief & Development is actively supporting diocesan leaders in communities impacted by the Southern California wildfires and working with them to identify the needs of the people in their communities that have been severely affected. Please consider making a contribution to the Wildfire Response Fund to support people in impacted communities now and in the long-term.