Lent 2025
Lent is the season of 40 days, not counting Sundays, between Ash Wednesday and Easter. It’s a time to reflect on Jesus’ journey to the Cross. We make our way through Lent via repentance, fasting, prayer, self-denial, and other spiritual disciplines as well as service to others. For Lent both our worship services will be celebrating Holy Eucharist Rite I. Church of the Resurrection observes Lent in our worship and through special gatherings like these:
“Defense against the Dark Arts” Adult Formation Class, Sundays in Lent, 9:15 am
We will base our discussion on the book “Passions of the Soul” by Rowan Williams, which is available in print and electronically. A nursery for children will be available.
Lenten Organ Recitals, Saturdays at 4:00 p.m., March 15 – April 12, sponsored by the Eugene Chapter of the American Guild of Organists and Resurrection Episcopal Church. These 45-minute organ recitals are free and open to the public, and feature our beautiful pipe organ by Eugene builder, John Brombaugh.
Road Work Notice:
There are possible closures on Hilyard St. between 34th and 36th. Please be aware as you plan your route to church. So far it has been possible to drive around the signs on Sunday mornings.