Home Starter Kits
The Home Starter Kit Program (HSK) is an all-volunteer ministry of the Church of the Resurrection which partners with other local churches and social service agencies. The program provides basic kitchen, bedroom and bathroom goods to individuals and families who are moving out of treatment, homeless, abusive, mental health and prison situations into permanent housing. The kits provide people with a sense of normalcy and respect after their recipients have experienced traumatic experiences and setbacks. At the same time, ministry volunteers are also strengthened by developing deeper connections with others in need.
The program was started in 1993 by the late Neil and Emily Morris after the death of their son. At first, HSK provided kits to clients of only one local agency, Laurel Hill Center. An early grant from our church helped build a financial base in 1996, and small grants helped expand the program. In 2007 the program broadened to include another local agency, St. Vincent de Paul First Place Family Services Center. Funding from the Episcopal Bishop of Western Eugene helped restart the program in 2018. During the COVID-19 Pandemic no kits were filled, but the program restarted in August 2021.
We currently work with nine social service agencies and two Episcopal churches, St. John the Divine in Springfield and St. Thomas in Eugene. The agencies forward us kit requests, which we fill and deliver to them, while the parishes of the churches provide in-kind items for the kits.

Lend a Hand
For information about how to donate or help with the kits, please contact Neal Mandich or Stevie Piccolo. All funding goes directly toward kit contents; there are no overhead or administrative costs.
HSK packing parties take place each Wednesday at 1 p.m. in our Yurt behind the church. Volunteers are always welcome; contact Neal for details.
More Information
Please note that applications can only be considered if received from our partner organizations.