Rally Day & Ministry Fair October 6
The choir is back, the liturgy is changing, and classes are resuming. It must be Rally Day!
After service this Sunday we will share a potluck brunch and have some time to hear about the various ministries of the church, both within our walls and without, and how we can help them with their missions either by our gifts or by volunteering ourselves. While we are gathered, there will also be some time to share our thoughts about how our experiment of sharing with St. Matthew’s has gone. Even if 9:00 is too early for you, please come just for the brunch so that we can hear your voice too. Please come and enjoy one another’s company, a wonderful brunch, the return of our usual programs, and the beginning of new things!
Road Work
For now road work around the church seems to be at a standstill and there are no access hindrances to Resurrection, especially on Sunday mornings, but that could change since it appears there is some paving work still to be done.