May 23, 2024

With the feast of Pentecost the Easter season has come to an end and, after a brief flash of white for Trinity Sunday the church will enter a long green season. Out in the world, Memorial Day is around the corner and the weather is becoming sunny and welcoming. All of this means that the summer travel season is upon us. Soon we will be off on camping trips, or visiting grandchildren, or touring exotic places.
At Resurrection it brings some expected changes. The choir will soon be taking its summer break, and so we will be saying the Psalm and Lord’s prayer on Sunday morning instead of singing them. Adult formation and EFM are winding down. Basically, things are getting quieter. This quiet time is a great opportunity to give thanks for the seasons that have passed, look forward to things beginning again in fall, and give thanks for this chance to stop and simply rest in God.
As you travel and enjoy God’s creation this summer, remember that Resurrection will be praying for you. Send us a postcard and we’ll put it on the bulletin board. Bring back bulletins from the churches you visit and we’ll use them as we plan worship and other church activities. Finally, as attendance falls, so does our income; before you leave, don’t forget to set up automated giving through Realm or through your own bank. 
Have a great summer! Resurrection’s red doors will be eager to welcome you home!
“O God, our heavenly Father, whose glory fills the whole creation, and whose presence we find wherever we go: Preserve those who travel; surround them with your loving care; protect them from every danger; and bring them in safety to their journey’s end; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”