Hospitality Village
“And Jesus said to him, ‘Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.’.” — Matthew 8:20
Hospitality Village is a ministry of Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, dedicated to serving the unhoused in our community. The project grew out of the St. Vincent de Paul’s car camp program, which allowed homeless persons to park overnight in our parking lot. Desiring to help unhoused persons move towards permanent housing, we built three small Conestoga huts on our property.
The next step came when parishioners used parish resources to construct four tiny houses, 8 by 12 feet structures, supplied with heat and electricity. The tiny houses are clustered around a common shelter and protected from the comings and goings in our parking lot by large planters. The inhabitants are supported by a case worker, hired by the parish to assist our guests with their journeys toward stable housing. They commit to a plan to transition to more stable, permanent housing with the help of the parish.
Through this vital community-based ministry many have opted to become active members of the Parish, contributing some of their time and talent to our service to others. This ministry is one of our most impactful in helping people change the trajectory of their lives. Our work has been recognized in a number of media reports, including KVAL, and the Register-Guard.
A parish committee oversees Hospitality Village, meeting once a month to set policy and address issues facing the ministry.
If you want to get involved by donating time, money, or supplies, please call our office at 541-686-8462. We’d love to have you join our volunteers!
We are grateful to the many donors that have made this project possible, including members and friends of the Church of the Resurrection and businesses such as Beacon Electric, Bob Weir Tree Service and Arriving By Bike. Thank you!