April 11, 2024

This Spring Resurrection joined a Capacity Discernment Cohort sponsored and led by the Diocese of Oregon and the Lutheran Synod of Oregon. The goal of the group is to help a community of parishes that are facing change come to terms with the challenges ahead and discern the path that is right for them. Our own Capacity Discernment Team will be leading us through a series of congregational discussions about our own situation and how God is calling us to change.
Our first conversation will be on the Feast of Pentecost, May 19, following the 10:30 service. The team will be leading us through discussion of the first thing that comes to mind when we mention change – fear. Fear is why Jesus Apostles were hiding in the room that day. Fear is what keeps us from living into the new things that God is doing. Perfect love casts out fear and getting past our fears begins with naming them and sharing them with our loved ones, friends, and community, and so that is how our discernment of what God has in store for us will begin.
Fear never gets the last word, though. We will also be taking time to celebrate Resurrection with a picnic lunch. The Hospitality Team will be sharing the details soon.
Please save the date and join us as we begin a New Thing in the light of the Spirit.