Thursday, November 2
7:00 pm-Choir Practice
7:00 pm-Choir Practice
9:00 am-Plastics Recycling (Hallway)12:00 pm-Wednesday Meditation (Sanctuary)1:00 pm-HSK Packing (Yurt)6:00 pm-All Saints’ Day service @St. Thomas
3:30-4:00 pm-Drop-off at Resurrection for Nightingale Dinner
8:00 am-Holy Eucharist Rite I 10:30 am-Holy Eucharist Rite II 12:00 noon Adult Formation (Fellowship Hall) 8:00-12:00-Plastics Recycling (Hallway)
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm-Labyrinth Walk for Kindness 5:00 pm-Joint Contemplative Prayer Service w/St. Mary’s
8:30 am-Silent Prayer (via Zoom) 9:30 am-Tai Chi (Parish Hall)
7:00 pm-Choir Practice
9:00 am-Plastics Recycling (Hallway)12:00 pm-Wednesday Meditation (Sanctuary)1:00 pm-HSK Packing (Yurt)
The Feast of All Saints will be upon us soon, and we’ll be keeping the feast in a variety of ways:
8:00 am-Holy Eucharist Rite I 10:30 am-Holy Eucharist Rite II 12:00 noon Adult education (Fellowship Hall) 8:00-12:00-Plastics Recycling (Hallway)