July 20, 2023
I’m not pondering anything particularly ponderous this week, just a couple things to be aware of: The Memorial Service for Jane Smith will be this Saturday, July 22 at 10:00 am. […]
I’m not pondering anything particularly ponderous this week, just a couple things to be aware of: The Memorial Service for Jane Smith will be this Saturday, July 22 at 10:00 am. […]
For the last couple weeks I have been sorting through the bibles, prayer books, and hymnals from Resurrection’s library. We have about a dozen different translations and paraphrases. Many […]
In my sermon a couple weeks ago I reminded us that in our collect we had prayed the dangerous prayer that we would “proclaim [God’s] truth with boldness.” Bold truth […]
The pew bibles are due to be delivered soon! If you offered to donate one or more, the final cost came in lower than anticipated at $14 each. We […]
Thank you!Thanks to all for a wonderful Celebration of New Ministries this week! The service was wonderful, the reception joyous, and the company second to none! Congratulations to our Confirmands Emilia, Harrison, […]
Resurrection is an amazing church, full of life, love, and hope. It seems to me that Eugene should be beating a path to our door. Obviously that isn’t happening. […]
It’s a little early, but it seems summer is here. The Sunday after Easter is often called “low Sunday” because of a predictable decline in attendance. The pews usually […]
“Hail the day that sees him rise!” On Thursday May 18 the Church will celebrate the Feast of the Ascension, one of the seven Principal Feasts. (The others are […]
We are well into the Easter Season, which means that summer is right around the corner. Soon our Christian formation classes will wind down, the choir will begin its […]
Safeguarding Training The church must be a safe place for vulnerable people. To ensure that, the canons of the national church and Diocese of Oregon mandate background checks and […]