4:00 pm “A Case for Love” at Cinemark in Springfield
Tired of being cooped up? Why not take in a movie?
Our society is more divided than ever. Many have moved into tribal corners, seeing the world from an “us versus them” point of view. The teachings and writings of Bishop Michael Curry, most well-known for his passionate sermon about “The Power of Love” at the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, inspire A CASE FOR LOVE. This feature-length documentary examines the question of whether or not love, specifically—unselfish—love, is the solution to the extreme societal and political divide facing the world.
In the documentary, our film team travels the U.S. searching for people living their lives selflessly and interviews them about how that way of living affects others and themselves. We also interview random people on the street, discussing where they’ve witnessed unselfish love and where they’ve seen its absence. We also learn what well-known figures, including Pete Buttigieg, Al Roker, Sam Waterston, John Danforth, Becca Stevens, Jon Meacham, Russell Moore, Kelly Brown Douglas, and Jim Clyburn, have to say about the topic. Finally, Bishop Michael Curry places all we’ve seen into context.
The movie is showing this coming Tuesday, January 23 at Cinemark 17 in Springfield. The showings are at 4:00 and 7:00 pm. Following the 4:00 showing, those who are interested can reconvene at Resurrection for discussion.
You can reserve tickets here.