February 1, 2024

For those who missed our Annual Meeting 

Here are some highlights from our Annual Meeting this past Sunday: 

  • Thanks to the change we made to the parish bylaws last year, a quorum was easily present. 
  • We gave our thanks for the ministries of Nick Crump, Karen Fabiano, and Jack Marietta as they complete their Vestry terms. 
  • We went through the budget, noting that  
  • The position of Children, Youth, and Families Minister has been cut, with the duties falling to the Rector. 
  • We are hiring an Administrator for 8 hours a week at $15/hr. This is a substantial reduction in both hours and wage from the previous Administrator position. 
  • We will not be hiring a Choir Conductor. The duties of that position will fall to the Music Director. 
  • The budget includes a deficit of more than $17,000, which will be covered in 2024 by operating reserves. The Finance Committee recommends that the reserve not be used in subsequent years. 
  • We heard the Rector’s Address, describing our ongoing adjustment to being a smaller church, recalling an amazing year in 2023, and laying out some challenges and possibilities for the future. 
  • We elected Chuck Atwater and Dave Reesor to three-year terms on the Vestry. One additional full term remains unfilled. 
  • We elected Doug Bonham, Jerry Jacobson, Jack Marietta, and Sandi Orbell (Alternate) to represent Resurrection at Diocesan Convention. 
  • We shared food and fellowship at a festive potluck, finding joy in the community that is Resurrection. 

The Annual Report, with many more details about the life of Resurrection in 2023 is available at the church and will soon be available online.