July 18, 2024

Sunday Forum 
It is a difficult time to be a citizen of the US and even of the world. Over the last few months I have spoken with many people who are despairing, losing hope, and giving in to fear. One twenty-something woman told me they can’t understand how anyone could even consider bringing a child into this world, knowing what the future may hold. This week at Sunday Forum we’ll be discussing how we as human beings and as Christians can abide through times of division, dread, and despair. We’ll take some time to consider our situations practically, theologically, and spiritually and share the ideas, attitudes, and practices that have helped us to carry on.

Discernment Conversations 
A couple months ago our Capacity Discernment Team led us through some good conversations about the differences between deciding on a plan and discerning God’s call and about what we as a parish most fear and most value as we move into a brave new world. On Sunday July 28 and Sunday August 4 we will move our discussion forward. Meeting both weeks between services, on July 28 we will take some time to carefully describe the three basic paths before us, explore some variations, and hear some stories of churches that have taken those paths. We’ll take just a little time to share our immediate thoughts, and then we’ll pray and ponder for a week. On Sunday August 4th we’ll briefly review the paths and then take more time for conversation in small groups and as a congregation about where we feel God may be leading Resurrection. We are still many months from any decisions, but we hope our conversations will help us as a team to focus our efforts as we continue to lead the congregation through this discernment process. We hope you will come and hear the possibilities in front of us and share in our councils as we discern next steps for our congregation. Because we will be meeting between services, our time is tightly limited so please come early and gather in the parish hall (Yes, there will be coffee.). We will begin at 9:10 sharp.