March 7, 2025

Formation During Lent

As promised this past Sunday, adult formation for Lent will begin this coming Sunday, March 9, at 9:15 am in the yurt. (Don’t forget to change your clocks!) We will be sticking with the Lenten theme and the course will be “Defense against the Dark Arts.” We will base our discussion on the book “Passions of the Soul” by Rowan Williams, which is available in print and electronically. This Sunday will be an introduction to the Eastern monastic teachings about temptation, passions, and demons. For this week, reading ahead will make the discussion more meaningful, but is not required. If you are able to obtain the book, we will be covering the introduction and Chapter 1.

We will be offering childcare in the nursery during the class and, because of the class, through all the Sundays of Lent. With the Safeguarding God’s Church requirements and a wide age range of children, this will put some strain on our already stretched nursery volunteer pool. If you would like to volunteer in the nursery during Lent or into the future, please contact me (Fr. Birch), Tina Heidrick, or Janet Savage to find out about the requirements and scheduling.