May 16, 2024
This Sunday, May 19, is the Feast of Pentecost, on which we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. Most of us wear red as a reminder of the fire, some of us preach as a reminder of the “sound like the rush of a violent wind.” We’ll hear the Gospel read in many languages (copies in French, German, koine Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, and English will be available with others by request). And we’ll celebrate the day that has been called the birthday of the Church.
We’ll be using our “Birthday” (60 years! A birthday indeed!) to begin some discernment and make some decisions about how we will be the Church of the Resurrection in the years ahead. This will be the first of a series of conversations and will focus on naming those things that have already changed and especially those things that we fear might change. Naming our griefs and fears in loving community gives us power over them and helps us to move forward into fearless discernment of whom the Holy Spirit is shaping us to be. In the coming months, we will look back at the patterns of life that have shaped us, at the resources God has given us today, and at the possibilities in front of us.
Your Vestry and Capacity Discernment Team (Tina Heidrick, Frank Koch, Sandi Orbell, Kay Sogge, and Fr. Birch) very much hope you will join us in this first discussion and help us listen to the Holy Spirit and set a sustainable vision for Resurrection. Your Hospitality Team very much hopes that after our discussion you will join us for a Pentecost pulled pork potluck and possibly picnic. We’ll have tables inside for the discussion, and you’re welcome to eat inside as well, but (weather permitting) please feel free to bring your own blanket or lawn chairs and enjoy a picnic on the lawn.
See you Sunday!!!