September 12, 2024

This has been a heavy time for Resurrection. In these few weeks we have had serious diagnoses, life threatening procedures, a fall, a theft, three burial services, and a major change in our worship schedule and possibly in the life of our parish. We are frightened for ourselves and our loved ones, we are mourning those we have lost, we are hurting both physically and spiritually, we are excited and hopeful about what the future might hold and anxious about what else it might hide, all of this all at once.
Paul writes to the Romans “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another;…take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all…. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Church can often feel heavy because church is the place we go to overcome heavy things. 
When we become stressed, it can be tempting to step back and avoid all those things that are causing us pain, and even those good things that, even though good, are still “just one more thing.” Remember, during these heavy days, that while church, for now may feel fraught, it is also where we find the support we need to get through times like this. It is here that we find the listening ears, the comforting hugs, the prayers for strength and healing, and the Body and Blood of Christ, who came into the stress of life so that he could carry us through it. Life is heavy, but together in Christ we are strong.