September 19, 2024

Love God, Love God’s Creation
Beginning after the Feast of St. Francis we will turn our attention for a while to the gift of God’s creation, from our own existence to our responsibility as stewards of all the earth. As we did last year, we will be using the Season of Creation liturgy on Sunday mornings and this year we will be adding an opportunity to learn more about the spirituality, theology, and responsibility of our relationship with creation.

On Thursday evenings, via Zoom, we will be using the Episcopal Church’s new curriculum, “Love God, Love God’s Creation.” It is a nine session film and reading base exploration of our relationship with the earth and what actions we can take for its care. You can learn more here.

Because a password is required to access the materials, you must register if you would like to be a part of the group. A sign-up sheet will be available on Sunday mornings or you can contact me (Fr. Birch) directly. I will register our group after Sunday, October 6 and then send the password to all who have signed up.

As an evolutionary ecologist, this is one of my favorite topics and I look forward to sharing it with you!

Blessing of the Animals
On Sunday, September 29, in honor of the feast of St. Francis, we will have our annual Blessing of the Animals at our 9:00 am service. Well behaved leashed or crated pets of any and every species are welcome, and we will have collar (or cage bar) medallions featuring St. Francis for all our furry, scaly, feathery, and slimy friends!