September 5, 2024

Our First Adventure with St. Matthew’s

This past Tuesday the Vestries of Resurrection and St. Matthew’s met together. Both would very much like to pursue the goal of sharing a Rector. Based on what we have heard from our congregations, nearly all of us would prefer to have Eucharist offered ever Sunday rather than on alternate weeks. 
With this in mind we are trying something new. From September 22 through October 13 both parishes are changing their service times to allow me to preside at each parish every Sunday. For those weeks, Resurrection will have a single service at 9:00 am and St. Matthew’s at 11:00 am. On October 8 our Vestries will meet together again to discuss how the arrangement is working and decide whether and how to move forward after October 13th. During the experiment, we will be closely watching attendance levels and asking for your ongoing feedback so that we can make solid decisions as we move forward. 
Combining services, meeting at a different time for all of us, and reducing the Rector’s availability on Sundays is a major change in the life of our parish. It will not be easy for any of us, but it is a necessary step as we explore our relationship with St. Matthew’s. Thank you so much for your patience as we try new ways to be church!

Scam Warning
Please be cautious as you read your emails! This week Resurrection’s office received an email purporting to come from me, simply asking for a time to talk. I did not send it. St. Matthews, too has been targeted by a similar scammer. Whenever you receive an email from me, please double check that it was sent from my actual email address (check with church office or on Realm). If not, please mark the email as junk and report it if you are able. If you are in doubt about any email, please reach out to me to confirm that I sent it. Remember to email me directly rather than replying to the questionable email. Finally, remember that I will NEVER ask you to send money or gift cards directly to me. ALL your gifts to the ministry of Resurrection should be sent to Resurrection. Be careful out there!