Grants for Community Organizations

The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection’s Outreach Commission offers financial support in the form of grants, awarded primarily to local established and emerging non-profit organizations which address issues of community health, hunger, and homelessness. The Commission reviews grant requests up to $500. The Outreach Commission was formed in 2007 to serve the needs of the greater community beyond our doors, in keeping with our faithful sharing of the Good News through Christ with the world.

This local focus aligns with other Resurrection outreach efforts that include:

  • serving as an Egan Warming Site
  • supplying Home Starter Kits
  • staffing 2nd Sunday Breakfast
  • hosting Interfaith Family Shelter Week
  • provisioning the weekly FISH Basket.

Please note that funding will not be granted for:

  • tickets
  • sponsorships
  • events or fund-raisers
  • endowment funds
  • political organizations
  • campaigns, and/or candidates
  • individuals for personal use

This local focus aligns with other Resurrection outreach efforts that include:

Grant Application and Guidelines

1. Download a Microsoft Word document to fill out by clicking here.

2. Project Narrative:  attach a brief description of the specific project involved (no more than one page) and how the funding will be used in relationship to the Outreach Commission’s purpose.

3. Please attach a description of your organization. Include date organized, mission, scope of services, total number served by the organization annually, a list of the current Board of Directors, and IRS 501 (c) 3 tax identification letter or equivalent.

4. Please submit completed applications to:

Episcopal Church of the Resurrection
Attn: Chair, Outreach Commission
3925 Hilyard Street
Eugene, OR 97405