October 12, 2023
This year’s stewardship theme, “Walking together” was inspired by the feeling that many of us shared as we proudly represented the Church walking in Eugene’s Pride Day march. It felt […]
This year’s stewardship theme, “Walking together” was inspired by the feeling that many of us shared as we proudly represented the Church walking in Eugene’s Pride Day march. It felt […]
1:30-3:00 pm-3rd Saturday Extended Contemplative Prayer Service
8:30 am-Silent Prayer (via Zoom) 9:30 am-Tai Chi (Parish Hall)
7:00 pm-Choir Practice
9:00 am-Plastics Recycling (Hallway) 12:00 pm-Wednesday Meditation (Sanctuary) 1:00 pm-HSK Packing (Yurt)
8:00 am-Holy Eucharist Rite I 10:30 am-Holy Eucharist Rite II 12:00 noon Adult education (Fellowship Hall) 8:00-12:00-Plastics Recycling (Hallway)
8:30 am-Silent Prayer (via Zoom) 9:30 am-Tai Chi (Parish Hall)
9:00 am-Plastics Recycling (Hallway) 12:00 pm-Wednesday Meditation (Sanctuary) 1:00 pm-HSK Packing (Yurt)
Adult Formation The votes are in and it seems that, with a clear majority, meeting Sundays after the 10:30 service is the best time for the most people. We will […]
Pet Blessing for Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi at either Eucharist8:00 am-Holy Eucharist Rite I 10:30 am-Holy Eucharist Rite II 11:30 am (after worship)-New Lector Orientation 8:00-12:00-Plastics Recycling (Hallway)