Pounding Fr. Birch, Sunday April 18, 2021
Sunday, April 18 | 1pm (last names M-Z) | 1:30 (last names A-L)

Are you ready to pound your priest? “Pounding” is a midwestern housewarming ceremony in which neighbors bring a pound of staples or household essentials to someone who’s moving into the neighborhood.
Join our modified drive-through pounding! Welcome our new priest by bringing a “pound” of something for Fr. Birch and his family. Your “pound” can weigh more or less than a pound.
What a wonderful way to help Fr. Birch start his ministry among us! You’ll find some ideas below.
HOW :: Decorate your car or bicycle with streamers, writing, or flags. Or make posters about yourself and your ministry or hobby to hold up as you go by.
- Drive through the parking lot
- Wave from inside your car
- Hand your gift or card to the greeters who will collect things on a table.
Window markers will be available at the parking lot from 12:45pm onward to use as you arrive:
HEALTH PRECAUTIONS :: Wear masks :: Stay in your family group or pod :: Stay in your car or on your bike :: Follow directions of the ushers on site :: You may keep your car windows closed and simply pop the trunk so that a helper can take your “pound” and put it on the table.
WHAT TO BRING :: Make a greeting card that’s uniquely “you”. If you bring a gift, try to think local and healthy.
Also, the family prefers white meat and does not use anything fermented, like yogurt or cheese.
Foods, locally-produced
♦ Flour or whole grains ♦ Long-lasting vegetables (carrots, onions, garlic, etc.) Dry beans ♦ Dried tomatoes ♦ Dried fruits ♦ Honey
Foods, general
♦ Pasta ♦ Sugar ♦ Seasoning basket (herbs, chili mix, etc.) ♦ Recipe kit (dry ingredients, seasonings, and recipe) ♦ Tea basket (variety of herbal and regular teas) ♦ Coffee (fair trade) ♦ Baking needs basket (baking powder, baking soda, vanilla, etc.)
Household Items
♦ Picture hangers ♦ Cleaning supplies or locally-made soap (biodegradable, please) ♦ Fasteners assortment (nails, screws, etc.) ♦ Cleaning caddy (sponges, scrub brushes) ♦ Houseplants ♦ Outdoor flowers or veggie starts in pots ♦ Paper goods
Gift Cards
♦ Pound of ice cream from Prince Pückler’s ♦ Locally-owned restaurants ♦ Hardware store ♦ Farmer’s market tokens ♦ Saturday Market gift certificate
HELP :: Need a ride? Have questions? Contact Karen.