November 11, 2012, 24th Sunday after Pentecost
Year B, Proper 27 November 11, 2012 The Reverend Dr. Brent Was “For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put […]
Year B, Proper 27 November 11, 2012 The Reverend Dr. Brent Was “For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put […]
All Saints, Year B, November 4, 2012 The Rev. Dr. Brent Was The Feast of All Saints. This is one of the major feasts of our church, a feast […]
Year B, Proper 25October 28, 2012The Reverend Dr. Brent Was “Immediately he regained his sight and followed Jesus on his way.” What does it mean to follow Jesus? Let’s review […]
October 7, 2012 19th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B, Proper 22 The Rev. Dr. Brent Was “There once was a man in the land of Uz whose name was […]
October 14, 2012 20th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B, Proper 23 The Rev. Dr. Brent Was “How hard it will be for those who have wealth to enter the […]
September 30, 2012 18thSunday after Pentecost, Year B, Proper 21 The Rev. Dr. Brent Was “…to be thrown into hell where the worm never dies and the fire is […]
September 23, 2012 The 17th Sunday after Pentecost,Year B, Proper 20 The Rev. Dr. Brent Was “Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.” […]
September 16, 2012 The 16th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B, Proper 19 The Rev. Dr. Brent Was “Who do you say that I am?” We don’t ask that […]
September 14, 2012 Year B, Holy Cross The Rev. Dr. Brent Was Today we celebrate the feast of the Holy Cross. This is the day for that remembrance because the […]
September 9, 2012 The 15th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B, Proper 18 The Rev. Dr. Brent Was “So, Faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.” The […]