November 30, 2023
Advent marks the beginning of the Christian year. It is a time of looking forward and preparation, getting ready in some part for the Christmas holiday, and, in a greater […]
Advent marks the beginning of the Christian year. It is a time of looking forward and preparation, getting ready in some part for the Christmas holiday, and, in a greater […]
Egan Warming Season BeginsAs winter approaches the nights are getting colder and it looks like Egan Warming Center will be activated this weekend, possibly Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Since Egan […]
9:00 am-Plastics Recycling (Hallway)1:00 pm-HSK Packing (Yurt)
8:00 am-Holy Eucharist Rite I 10:30 am-Holy Eucharist Rite II 12:00 noon Adult Formation (Fellowship Hall) 8:00-12:00-Plastics Recycling (Hallway)
5:00 pm-Joint Contemplative Prayer Service @St. Mary’s
The brief time between the Feast of All Saints and the beginning of Advent is a mini-season of its own. It has sometimes been called “Little Lent” because of the […]
While the greater Episcopal Church in Eugene celebrated the Feast of All Saints last night at our shared service, our own celebration is yet to come, and promises to be […]
Feeding our Neighbors I learned today that the Nightingale Community Hosted Shelter (the Conestoga village on Hilyard down the hill from church) is in need of supper on the next […]
8:00 am-Holy Eucharist Rite I 10:30 am-Holy Eucharist Rite II 12:00 noon Adult Formation (Fellowship Hall) 8:00-12:00-Plastics Recycling (Hallway)
8:30 am-Silent Prayer (via Zoom) 9:30 am-Tai Chi (Parish Hall)