Sermon for the Fourth Sunday in Easter, May 3rd, 2020, YR A
Sermon for the Fourth Sunday of Easter (Year A) – May 3, 2020 “The Lord is my shepherd.” I can’t even count the number of times I have preached on these […]
Sermon for the Fourth Sunday of Easter (Year A) – May 3, 2020 “The Lord is my shepherd.” I can’t even count the number of times I have preached on these […]
How do we know Jesus? How shall we find him in our lives? Will we recognize him when we find him? What experiences have we had that made our hearts burn within us? When have our eyes been opened to the Lord’s presence? What do […]
Suddenly, Jesus is in the room with the disciples. “Peace be with you,” he says. At once their hope is awakened – Jesus is with them once again! He shows them his pierced hands, and […]
I heard a story about a man and his family who lived high up in the Rocky Mountains in Wyoming. One winter, after a tremendous storm, an avalanche buried their log […]
Gustav Mahler’s Second Symphony, known as “Resurrection,” is an incredibly rich and complex piece of music that captures the full realm of human passion and emotion in its five movements. For […]
Artwork by Mike Van Collect of the Day O God, Creator of heaven and earth: Grant that, as the crucified body of your dear Son was laid in the tomb […]
This is a day for keeping our hands busy and our minds quiet. It is a day for silence, a day for not much talking. If we keep the silence on this […]
The cross is the central image of Christianity. We are sealed with a cross of holy oil in baptism and confirmation. Each year on Ash Wednesday our foreheads are inscribed with the […]
The liturgies of these last days of Holy Week really need very little said about them, because at the heart of these services are symbols which in themselves are a loud and […]