Tuesday, June 20th
6:30 pm Vestry Meeting
6:30 pm Vestry Meeting
9:00 am Plastics Recycling 12:00 pm Wednesday Meditation 1:00 pm HSK Packing
Saturday, June 24th @ 11:00 Youth & Family Picnic at Tugman
8:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite I 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite II
8:30 am Silent Prayer (via Zoom)9:30 am Tai Chi (Parish Hall)
9:00 am Plastics Recycling (Hallway) 12:00 pm Wednesday Meditation (Sanctuary) 1:00 pm HSK Packing (Yurt)
The pew bibles are due to be delivered soon! If you offered to donate one or more, the final cost came in lower than anticipated at $14 each. We […]
Thank you!Thanks to all for a wonderful Celebration of New Ministries this week! The service was wonderful, the reception joyous, and the company second to none! Congratulations to our Confirmands Emilia, Harrison, […]
6:00 pm Youth & Children’s Classes 7:00 pm Compline
8:30 am Silent Prayer (via Zoom) 9:30 am Tai Chi