Sermon | 5th Sunday after Pentecost, June 27, 2021 B
Mark 5:21-43 Touch is a wonderful and intimate thing. Our sense of touch, or somatoreception if you want to get fancy, can give us so much information. Touch can, in […]
Mark 5:21-43 Touch is a wonderful and intimate thing. Our sense of touch, or somatoreception if you want to get fancy, can give us so much information. Touch can, in […]
Mark 4:35-41 So just to set the scene, you need to know that the ancient Hebrews were deeply suspicious of the sea. It was for them a symbol of chaos, […]
Mark 4:26-34 “This box looks old. Parables are old. I wonder if there is a parable inside? The box is the color gold. Parables are valuable, maybe even more valuable […]
Genesis 3:8-15 When is the last time you heard a sermon about the devil in an Episcopal church? Don’t be scared, I promise there won’t be any fire and brimstone. […]
Acts 2:1-21 Medes and Parthians, Cretans, Romans, Jews and Arabs, and so many more, probably from every race and tribe, people and nation that Luke had ever heard of. So […]
John 17:6-19 This Sunday we’re standing in an in-between time. This past Thursday, the Church celebrated the Feast of the Ascension, as Jesus was taken into heaven and in Christ […]
John 15:9-17 I had so many preaching options today. Today is Mothers Day, so I could have preached about Mothers. Today is a Rogation Sunday, and I thought it could […]
John 15:1-8 Happy Easter! This is the time of the season when we start to forget that it is still Easter. This week’s lesson from John’s first letter gives me […]
John 10:11-18 Today, the fourth Sunday of Easter is often called Good Shepherd Sunday. We always read the 23rd Psalm and we hear one of the Good Shepherd readings from […]
Luke 24:36b-48 Wow! I’m finally standing here! Psalm 4: 7: You have put gladness in my heart,more than when grain and wine and oil increase. First sermons are always exciting. […]